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The Love & Justice Quarterly Subscription Box

Be part of the movement to support makers of color!

The Love & Justice subscription box includes justice oriented and collective liberation products.

Each season, Love & Justice subscribers will get a box of BIPOC hand-crafted whimsy, and an invitation to connect to discuss the enclosed book. 

Stay tuned for what's to come in the Summer Love & Justice Box!


What People Are Saying:

I love it! I thought the box was amazing and all of the items in it were so heartfelt and exciting to receive

Ashley Bradley

I think it's a beautiful intersection that can help reinforce the ways that arts can support liberation

Nicole Thomas

Big JOY! I was so tickled to see it arrive, opened it to so many treats. Excited to see what else you come up with. Also excited to get into the book and have a chat about it.

LaShauna Austria

Love it. Arrived at the end of a hard day/week and was such a welcome surprise.

Lisa Hubbard